domingo, marzo 02, 2008

Answer to Zeitgeist, the Movie (part 1)

by Luis Bravo Villaran (Nov. 2007)

The Greatest Story Ever Told – Christianity

Zeitgeist means “The Spirit of the Era” (or Eon or Aeon) – work emerged in late 2007.

Zeitgeist was created as a nonprofit filmic expression to inspire people to start looking at the world from a more critical perspective and to understand that very often things are not what the population at large think they are. The information in Zeitgeist was established over a year long period of research and the current Source page on the site lists the basic sources used / referenced and the Interactive Transcript includes exact source references and further information.

It's important to point out that there is a tendency to simply disbelieve things that arecounter to our understanding, without the necessary research performed says the producer of Zeitgeist (the convincing voice of the reporter, Jordan Maxwell, Bill Hicks, … whoever)
He or they (the team of Zeitgeist) have done a thorough investigation presented based on documented evidence (interpreted by other researchers in the past) not from very general or biased sources neither on encyclopedias or text books, that do not contain information contained in Zeitgeist.

It is the hope of the Zeitgeist author that people will not take what is said in the film as the truth, but find out for themselves, for truth is not told, it is realized.

Thank and congratulation whoever you are, you have done an impressive work.

You should be the greatest admirer of Roman emperor Constantine, he made us (including you) to live in the year 2007 of this Eon arranging the Christianity story while he was living already in the 325th year of the same Eon. Then the Bible should has been invented (I think it was in fact manipulated) by Constantine and all the people that worked with him or for him in the Nicea Council. Then that group politically established Christian Doctrines and thus began a long history of Christian bloodshed and spiritual fraud. You conclude:

- Jesus Christ did not exist because –as you say- once the evidence is weighed, there are very high odds that the figure known as Jesus, did not even exist.

- That for the next 1600 years (or more years after the Nicea Council) , the Vatican maintained a political stranglehold on all of Europe, leading to such joyous periods as the Dark Ages, along with enlightening events such as the Crusades, and the Inquisition.

- Christianity, along with all other theistic belief systems, is the fraud of the age. It served to detach the species from the natural world, and likewise, each other. It supports blind submission to authority. It reduces human responsibility to the effect that "God" controls everything, and in turn awful crimes can be justified in the name of Divine Pursuit.
Finally you affirm … And most importantly, it empowers those who know the truth but use the myth to manipulate and control societies. The religious myth is the most powerful device ever created, and serves as the psychological soil upon which other myths can flourish.

I agree with you in the second conclusion; it is obvious that you are atheist or at least agnostic; I’m catholic, little apostolic and almost no roman. One thing is religion and another very different is the church.

Before going through your story (or should I say history?), first I will make a reflection about the New Testament and then review a valid work as yours … The Kybalion book …

The New Testament (of the Bible), the part that -it is most probable- was invented (according Zeitgeist) or manipulated (according many others) in the Nicea Council by Emperor Constantine and his crew, contains basically 4 gospels (Mathew, Lucas, Marcus and John). As per Zeitgeist they should have been invention of the Nice Council; nevertheless a substantial part to sustain the Zeitgeist points, is based on the gospels; of course it means nothing because it is part of the story and Zeitgeist just refers to it to prove its affirmation. What is less possible –if not impossible- is that the Old Testament was also invented or manipulated in the Nicea Council because its source is “The Torah” (the Jewish sacred book). As per Zeitgeist, ¿are the Jewish still living in the Aries Eon?. In the other hand what about “The Coram”, the sacred book of the Islamism that make several references to the Bible and the Torah. ¿Has it also been manipulated by Constantine?

Believers sustain that the only valid history is that of the four gospels of the New Testament and disregard the apocryphal gospels (Gnostic preserved) which –by the way- were intended to be disappeared precisely in the Nicea Council. ¿Why if they were inventing a story?; ¿Did they took time to invent also other documents to make them disappear immediately?. Too much work ¿don’t you think?. ¡Did they invented also The Torah and The Coram?

And it is precisely in the apocryphal gospels of Thomas, Mary Magdalene, Philip etc … discovered in Hammurabi back in the 1940’s where the truth may be and the Catholic church does not accept; ¿why?, ¿room to too much thinking and questioning about the truth?. The gospel of Thomas narrates pretty much the same history about Jesus of the four gospels of the Bible, but in a deeper way that invites the questioning the Church does not want to allow.

So the conclusion might be the Nicea Council founded the “Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church” but did not invented the Christian religion. They are too much different issues.
Now I would like to refer to The Principles of Hermeticism - Book of Kybalion:
The Great Founder of Hermeticism is Hermes Trismegisto, "the (so called) chosen of the gods" who died in ancient Egypt, when the current race was in its infancy. Contemporary of Abraham, and, if the legend does not lie, instructor of that venerable wise man. The "Master of Masters", lived in Egypt in ancient times, was the father of wisdom, the founder of astrology, the discoverer of alchemy. The details of his life have been lost to history because of the immense space of time since then. The date of his birth in Egypt (in it is assumed as his latest incarnation on this plane), is not known, but it has been said that was a contemporary of the oldest dynasties of Egypt, long before Moses. The authorities in the field believe contemporary of Abraham, and on some of the Jewish traditions leads to say that Abraham obtained many of his knowledge from the same Hermes.

The Hermetic lessons are found in all countries and in all religions, but never identified with a country or a particular religion. This is due to the preaching that former instructors made to prevent the Secret Doctrine was converted in a creed. The wisdom of this measure glares of all students in history. The ancient occultism in India and Persian degenerated and lost their knowledge, because the instructors had become priests and theology mixed with the philosophy, had as immediate consequence the lost all his wisdom, which eventually transformed into a vast amount of religious superstitions, cults, creeds and gods. The same happened with the Hermetic teachings of the Christian Gnostics that were lost by the time of Constantine, who blemish philosophy mixing with theology, and the Christian church lost its true essence and spirit, being forced to walk blindly over several centuries, and has not found its way so far, although it is observed that the Christian church today is fighting back by approaching their former mystical teachings. But have always existed a few souls who have kept alive the flame, feeding it carefully and not allowing the light to be extinguished.

The seven principles, or axioms, as are described in the book of Kybalion are: 1. Mentalism 2. Correspondence 3. Vibration 4. Polarity 5. Rhythm 6. Cause and effect 7. Generation

1. About the principle of Mentalism: "The mind is everything; the universe is mental"
All demonstrations and appearances that we know under the name of "material universe", "phenomena of life", "field", "energy", etc.. And, in a word, everything that is sensitive to our material senses, is spirit which itself is unknowable and indefinable, but it can be seen as an infinite, universal and living mind. It also explains that all phenomenal world or universe is a mental creation of THE EVERYTHING whose mind we live, move and have our being. "Beyond the Cosmos, Time, Space, everything that moves and changes, is the Substantial reality, and the Basic Truth." "Substance" means what lies hidden under any external manifestation, the essential reality, the thing in itself. 'Substantial' means currently existent, the essential element, the real thing. 'Reality' means the state of true being, eternal, permanent, fix. Beyond any external appearance or demonstration must always be a substantial reality.

2. About the principle of Correspondence: "As it is above, so it is below; As it is down, so it is up"
This principle is a key to solving many of the more obscure problems and paradoxes of the mysterious secrets of Nature. There are many levels that we do not know, but when we apply this law of correspondence with them, much of what otherwise would be incomprehensible to us becomes clear to our conscience. This principle is universally applicable at various levels, mental, physical or spiritual Cosmos: it is a universal law. Similarly of understanding the principles of geometry enables man to measure the diameter, the orbit and the movement of more distant stars, while one sitting in the observatory, as well the knowledge of the principle of correspondence enables men to think intelligently on the known or unknown; studying the monad (indivisible beings of a different nature, comprising the universe) comes to understand the archangel (spirit of medium level).

3. About the principle of Vibration: "Nothing is immobile; Everything moves; Everything vibrates"
This principle explains the differences between various forms of matter, force, the mind and even the same spirit, which are nothing but the result of several vibratory states. Since THE EVERTHING which is pure spirit, to the most blatant form of matter, everything is in vibration: the highest level, the vibration of the spirit is of infinite intensity; therefore, it can be seen almost as if it were resting, just as a wheel that rotates rapidly and it appears to be no movement. And at the other end of the scale there are very high density forms of matter, whose vibration is so weak that it also seems to be at rest. Between these two poles there are millions upon millions of vibrating degrees of intensity. From the corpuscle and the electron, from the atom and molecule to the planet and the Universes, everything is in vibration.

4. About the principle of Polarity: "All is dual, all has two poles, its pair of opposites: anything and the antagonistic are the same; the opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; the ends touch each other; all truths are half-truths, all the paradoxes can be reconciled. "
This principle holds true that everything is dual; everything has two poles; throughout his pair of opposites, claims that as many axioms are hermetic. Explains and clarify old paradoxes that have stumped so many investigators, and that literally said: «The thesis and antithesis are identical in nature, differing only in degree; «Opposites are in fact identical, differing in their gradation»; «pairs of opposites can be reconciled, the ends touch each other»; «everything is and is not at the same time», «all truth is but half the truth»; «the whole truth is half false», etc.. The heat and cold, although opposites, are really the same thing ... The same principle is evident in the 'light' and 'darkness', which, in short, are just the same thing, the difference being caused by the degree of diversity between the two poles of the phenomenon. ¿Where darkness ends and where the light begins? . The same principle operates in an identical manner at the mental level. Take, for example, love and hatred, two completely different mental states apparently, and notice that there are many degrees between them; So, that the words we use to describe them, "pleasant" and "unpleasant" are faded away one in the other, to the extent that we are often unable to tell whether something causes us pleasure or displeasure. All are merely gradations of the same thing, as we will understand clearly. The "Good" and "Evil" are but the poles of the same and one thing ... What we have to know is how to transmute evil in the good intelligently applying the principle of polarity. In a word, the «art of polarizing» becomes a phase of mental alchemy.

5. About the principle of Rhythm: "Anything flows and re-flows; anything has its periods of progress and regression, anything that goes up, comes down; anything moves like a pendulum; The extent of their movement to the right, is the same as that of his movement to the left; the pacing is the compensation."
This principle holds that all truth is manifested in a certain movement back and forth; a flow and a re-flow, a swing of the pendulum between the two poles that exist in accordance with the principle of polarity. This law is manifested the creation of worlds as well as in their destruction; in the progress and declination of nations, in life, in all things, and, finally, in the men states of mind. The pacing is the compensation mechanism.

6. About the principle of Cause-Effect: "Every cause has its effect; any effect has its cause; all things happen according to law; the fate or chance is just the name given to the unrecognized law; there are many levels of causality, but nothing escapes the law "
Nothing happens by chance and all things happen as per the applicable law. The fate is an empty word, and although there are many levels of causes and effects, dominating the higher over the lower, yet none escapes entirely to the law. Those who come to know the means and methods by which you can ascend beyond the ordinary level of causes and effects, reaching mentally -up some degree- the highest level, become causes rather than effects. The crowds are dragged by the scenario that surround them or for the wishes and desires of others, whether they are superior to them.

7. About the principle of Generation: "The generation exists everywhere; all things have their beginning male and female; the generation is evident at all levels. In physical level is sexuality. "
This is true not only in physical terms but also in the mental and the spiritual. In the physical world that principle manifests itself as "sex", and at the superior forms take higher levels, but the principle remains the same. No physical creation, either mental or spiritual, is possible without this principle. Understanding this principle in-lights many of the problems that have so confused to the man kind. This creator principle always work in the sense of "generate", "regenerate" and "create." Every being contains itself both elements of this principle, which contains the solution to many of the mysteries of life.

To conclude let come back on the perspective of "hermetists" about THE EVERYTHING

It is taken into account the theories and speculations of theologists and metaphysics respect to the intimate nature of THE EVERYTHING as well as efforts of empirical mortal minds to surprise the secret of Infinity. Anyone who speculates about it is lost in a maze of dead-end thoughts, and if it persists in its attempt eventually will lose ability to think healthy, and risk to live an impossible life. The “hermetists" say that those who try to give to THE EVERYTHING personality, qualities, properties, characteristics and attributes of themselves are presumptuous, as if THE EVERYTHING had emotions, feelings and characteristics of humans. And the insanity reaches to attribute bad qualities such as jealousy, susceptibility to praise and prayer; the wish to be offered and adored and all those other things that have left us as a legacy the early days of humanity. Such ideas do not serve anything to the developed man and eventually they leave them aside. Religion for "hermetists" means the intuitive realization of the existence of THE EVERYTHING and of the relationship with IT, while the theology means the efforts made to attribute the man's own qualities (personality, features, etc..) , as well as his projected theories, desires and designs, assuming the role of intermediary between THE EVERYTHING and the people.

¿What is superior to the matter and the energy, and we know that exists in the universe? ¡Life and mind in all their varying degrees of evolution!. Then you would ask: ¿Do you want to imply that THE EVERYTHING is the life and mind? ; yes and no, is our response. If we mean by life and mind what we poor mortals, we are aware of: ¡No, this is not THE EVERYTHING! . But you would ask ¿what kind of life and mentality you mean? ; the answer is living mind, as wide as we can conceived, since the life and the mind are much higher than the purely mechanical force or to the matter: infinite living mind when compared with the finite life and mentality. We want to indicate what illuminated souls mean when reverently uttered the word: SPIRIT!

THE EVERYTHING is living and infinite mind, which the illuminated call Spirit

This is a brief of the Hermes Trismegisto philosophy; Hermes is considered the father of the Astrology (source of the modern Astronomy) and also the father of the alchemy (base of the chemistry). As he lived in the ancient Egypt about 3,000 years BC we can affirm that all the basis of the Zeitgeist Part 1, should have been very well known by Hermes, and so the story of Horus, Sun God of Egypt by that time found on the wall of the Temple of Luxor inscribed 500 years before Horus would had been in action.


Now we jump to our faith (catholic) but with an open mind and please confront it with the Hermes principles:

(from our paper about “The Lost Tomb of Jesus”, April 2007)

The change

Indeed … the Church should open the TRUTH and the KNOWLEDGE; the faith will not be weakened, on the contrary it will be reinforced.

Then the church should begin to consider apocryphal gospels, mainly those of Thomas, and Mary Magdalene, and the Acts of Philip; the Code of the Bible and -why not- the gospel of Judas. All of them would contain deep truths that church does not accept.

Thomas 39 (Apocryphal Gospel). Jesus has said: The clergymen and the theologians have received the keys of the knowledge, but they have hidden them. They did not enter there, nor they allowed to enter those that wished to enter. As far as you, be astute like serpents and pure like doves.

If it is obvious to the human eyes that the Kingdom of Heaven is not physical and the ascension of Jesus Christ would had been only in spirit, that does not change the foundations of the Christianity nor the Catholic faith, whether it is determined or not that the tomb of Talpiot is the tomb of Jesus’ family; and if it is not, be the body of the Savior found or not.

Some thoughts
The men -thanks to the creation of God- have intelligence, that produces our thoughts; the man’s intellectual capacity includes in addition to the rationality, the creativity and the inventiveness; the restlessness by the investigation and the search. Some have in addition the understanding that leads to the wisdom, based on an installed capacity, but always attended of the spirituality. As well as there are different degrees and intelligence levels, also there are different degrees or levels of understanding; and so there are more intelligent or less intelligent human beings (related of the productivity in its thinking process and of the quality of thoughts) and also there are more or less wise human beings; or simply there are those -as it happens in most of the cases- that stay at the intellectual level, without any wisdom assistance.

The spirituality, is the divine energy nested in our being that produces the omni-presence of God in our lives, concurring in each one of us, the soul -that is our identity; the spirit -that is our energy; and the body -our motor capacity and the directive force (from the brain, locating the intelligence and the understanding, between the soul and the spirit). It is there where the good and the “absence of good” concur, whose decision is first in our nature and then in our intellect (the mind) with decision capacity; in order to give grace or to disgrace our identity.

The one that loves me will fulfill my word and my Father will love him, and we will make him our dwelling … the Lord says.

From the Thomas apocryphal Gospels
… who is searching should not stop until he finds, and when he finds he will be disturbed, and when he has been disturbed he will astonish and will reign over the totality and he will find the rest.
… the Kingdom of God is inside you and is outside you. Who get to know themselves they will find it and when you arrive to know to you yourself, you will know that you are the Children of the living Father.

From the Mary Magdalene apocryphal Gospels (last precepts):
After saying all this, the Blessed said good by to all of them saying: “Peace is with you, my peace arises between you. Keep watching so that nobody misleads you saying: “he is here, here he is”, because the son of the man is inside you; follow him. Those that search for him will find him. Go and proclaim the gospel of the kingdom. Do not impose more precepts than those than I have settled down for you, and do not pass any law, as the legislator, so that you are not tied down by it”. Saying this he left.

Vision of Mariamne: She said, «I saw the Lord in a vision and I said to Him, Lord I saw you today in a vision». He answered and said to me: «Blessed are you that you did not waver at the sight of Me. For where the intellect (THE MIND) is, there is the treasure». I said to Him, «Lord, how does he who sees the vision see it, through the soul or through the spirit? » The Savior answered and said, «He does not see through the soul nor through the spirit, but the intellect (THE MIND) that is between the two that is what sees the vision and it is [...]»

Of the apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans (8:14-17):
Brothers: Those that let themselves guide by the Spirit of God, those are children of God. You have not received a spirit of slaves, who makes you fear again, but a spirit of children, by virtue of whom we can call Father to God. The Holy Spirit himself, being one with our own spirit, gives testimony that we are children of God. And if we are children, we are also inheriting of God and coheirs with Christ, since we suffered with him to be glorified along with him.

Beyond our rational and understanding installed capacity, there is a third inexplicable dimension that often makes wonders and for which much intelligence is not required nor much understanding. I speak of the faith that is fed and reinforced, with the praying. This is accessible by all, more or less intelligent, more or less wise; or simply human beings that have that positive energy load, often too difficult to explain to the intelligence and the reason.

Ecclesiastic ( 42:15-26)
“I am going to bring to the memory works of the Lord and tell what I have seen: All whatever exists has been done by the word of God, and the entire world is put under his will. As the sun light illuminates all things on Earth, the glory of the Lord fills the creation.

He did not grant to his angels to tell all those wonders, that the all-powerful Lord settled down firmly as a manifest prove of his glory. The Lord penetrates until the bottom of the abysses and of the hearts, and knows all their secrets, because he has all science and knows the movement the stars; he discovers the past, he announces the future and he reveals the most recondite mysteries. No thought is hidden to him, no thing escapes to him. He that exists before the time and for all the time, gave to splendor and greatness to works of his wisdom.

Nothing can be added to him, nothing can be cleared to him and advisory does not need.

What precious are the works of the Lord, and it is just a spark what we see! In the universe everything lives and lasts for always and obeys at any moment to the Lord. All the things differ to each other and, nevertheless, they are complemented. Nothing of which the Lord has done is useless; each one of them affirms the excellence of the other. ¿Who will get tired to contemplate the glory of the Lord? …”

The most difficult -and perhaps the most commendable at the end- is what those people with a great intelligence and/or a great understanding reach, having the humility to recognize their human limits; and then from their thoughts and their wisdom, they pass with humility to the praying and they are given to the faith, because they can no longer process, neither understand no more.

However, let’s look for explanation of how they interact in this concurrence of identities in the human being: the soul, the Spirit, the intelligence and the understanding; whose manifestation occurs from the brain, through the body

Of the apocryphal Gospels of Mary Magdalene (to whom with certain logic searchers establish her as the true author of the gospels that the Church attributes to John)

The Matter and the World 7 […] then, ¿will matter then be destroyed or not?. The Savior said, «All nature, all formations and all creatures exist in and with one another, and they will be resolved again into their own roots, because the nature of matter is resolved into the roots of its own nature alone. He who has ears to hear, let him hear».

In these apocryphal gospels could be the explanation of the evolution of the soul and its interrelation with the other entities.

Let us begin with the nature and the body. In Page 7, besides affirming the interaction between the nature, the productions, the people - human beings- and the people among them; it reaffirms another divine expression, that says “of the dust you come and dust you will become”, which confirms the temporality of the body and of the creation.

Peter said to Mariamne: «Sister we know that the Savior loved you more than the rest of women. Tell us the words of the Savior which you remember which you know, but we do not, nor have we heard them». Mariamne answered and said, «What is hidden from you I will proclaim to you». And she began to speak to them these words:

(we reiterate ...)
Vision of Mariamne: She said, «I saw the Lord in a vision and I said to Him, Lord I saw you today in a vision». He answered and said to me: «Blessed are you that you did not waver at the sight of Me. For where the intellect is, there is the treasure». I said to Him, «Lord, how does he who sees the vision see it, through the soul or through the spirit? » The Savior answered and said, «He does not see through the soul nor through the spirit, but the intellect (THE MIND?) that is between the two that is what sees the vision and it is [...]»

Pages 11 - 14 of the manuscript are missing here …

«... For where the intellect is, there is the treasure»; the Lord refers the intellect, as the integration of intelligence and the understanding (THE MIND?), this is because He always reiterated closing the his messages saying … «who has ears to hear, let him hear».

The Lord answers to Mariamne: «He does not see through the soul nor through the spirit, but the intellect that is between the two that is what sees the vision and it is [...]»

The understanding to see; intelligence to process; for that reason He affirms, that the vision is not seeing by the soul (that it is the identity), nor by the spirit (that is the divine energy). It is seeing by the “intellect”, that could we identify as the “mind”, the concurrence of the soul, the Spirit, the intelligence and the understanding.

We expect -we hope- to see God with our physical eyes and He does not make appearances in matter; it appears to the eyes of the intellect, and then of the understanding; for that reason He used to say: “«…Who has eyes to see, let him see»”

How much light we miss to see by those lost pages 11 to 14…

Jesus Christ - the Son although was a special being- was sent by the Father to live as a “human being”, as a normal man; to pass joys and sadness (He underwent much when Joseph died); to feel and to give peace, as to show indignation and rage (when He threw the merchants out of the temple); to be tempted, to experience successes and failures (i.e. when all their apostles disappeared when He was taken prisoner); to feel fear and weakness; to suffer - in his case in an extreme and very singular way, with stoicism and strength, supporting -in addition to the injustice, the most intense pains. ¿Who can say that He was not human? ; who can say that He was not a man?.

He is the only one that can express what is expressed in pages 15 and 16 of the apocryphal Gospels of Mary Magdalene:

The ascension of soul 15 […] to him, and the desire said, «I did not see you descending, but now I see you ascending. Why do you lie since you belong to me?». The soul answered and said, «I saw you. You did not see me nor recognize me. I served you as a garment and you did not know me». When it said this, it (the soul) went away rejoicing greatly. Again it came to the third power, which is called ignorance. The power questioned the soul, saying, «Where are you going? In wickedness are you bound. But you are bound; do not judge!». And the soul said, «Why do you judge me, although I have not judged?. I was bound, though I have not bound. I was not recognized. But I have recognized that the All is being dissolved, both the earthly things 16 and the heavenly». When the soul had overcome the third power, it went upwards and saw the fourth power, which took seven forms. The first form is darkness, the second desire, the third ignorance, the fourth is the excitement of death, the fifth is the kingdom of the flesh, the sixth is the foolish wisdom of flesh, the seventh is the wrathful wisdom. These are the seven powers of wrath. They asked the soul, «Where do you come slayer of men, or where are you going, conqueror of space?». The soul answered and said, «What binds me has been slain, and what turns me about has been overcome, and my desire has been ended, and ignorance has died. In a world I was released 17 from a world, and in an image from a heavenly image, and from the fetter of oblivion which is transient. From this time on will I attain to the rest of the time, of the season, of the eternity, in silence».

We essay next, some reflections on this message: … the desire said, «I did not see you descending, but now I see you ascending. Why do you lie since you belong to me?»

The desire (that implies appetites and worldly pleasures that are distorted moving us away of the good) says to the SOUL, that it has not seen coming down (to the depths of the inferior levels) and it sees it raise (towards superior levels of accomplishment); leaving the temptation and the evil and raising towards the good; it says then to the soul that it does not lie to him and that the soul belongs to him… the soul is not recognized when dominated by the appetites and pleasures, and is confused with the desire …

Soon it continues the dialogue that occurs in the level of the third power -the ignorance- where the maleficent tries to tie down it and to dominate it and the soul moves away recognizing to be dominated without being able to dominate, but realizing that the universe is being dissolved so much in the terrestrial as in the celestial dimension (in as much as the evil tries to kill all aspiration of the soul to grow towards the celestial dimension).

The soul tries then to release itself and to enter the life -fourth power, the one of the seven forms, the impulse of the wrath, the rage:

The first form, the darkness’s, from where the soul emerges to concur with the spirit in the body that initiates the race to reach; with the body the second shows up, the desire in his expression of primary necessity; the third is the one of the “non-knowledge”, the ignorance that is characteristic of the initial stage of the route; then the fourth - the envy of death- is the space of the doubt, the disagreement, the fear; then the fifth comes in, the dominion of the flesh, that is not other than the desire in its expression of avidity and hedonism; then the crazy intelligence of flesh, the sixth form in which the dilemma between the correctness and the dominion is on the spot, v.v. the degradation, which implies the possible migration of intelligence toward the intellect, that is the way to the seventh form: that of the irascible wisdom, that search, search and keep searching, and generates the irritation of not finding.

The capacity of the human being and therefore its possibility, is to escape of the wrath and to find the calmness coming near to the peace. Then, the soul emerges from the level in which it is (it can come from the darkness’s in search of growing and raising); the desire in its expression of primary necessity will always appear; the ignorance cannot be avoided, but a route in search of the knowledge becomes, which leaves less space to the doubt and the envy; this improves the human being and allows him a better dominion of the flesh, therefore, of the desire control in his expression of avidity and hedonism, which facilitates the integration of intelligence with the understanding, so migrating to the intellect, causing itself the way to forms or levels of wisdom without the excitation that generates the searching without finding.

The seven powers of the wrath, also are of the calmness and the peace; the results are the results of walking through the same spaces, only that in different way. The wrath can take to the degradation of the soul, the peace to its elevation, for which it requires greater dedication, discipline, persistence and much strength.

We reiterate what has been already mentioned: … It is so the concurrence of the “good” and the “absence of good”, whose decision is in our nature first and then our intellect with capacity to decide, in order to gratify or to disgrace our identity…

Then fit within any of the two scenarios, the two questions: «Where are you coming form? And Where do you go?» and the answers can be the same ones: «What binds me has been slain (the body), and what turns me about has been overcome (the wrath), and my desire has been ended, and ignorance has died. In a world I was released from a world, and in an image from a heavenly image. The fetter of oblivion is transient (the body no longer exists -but existed for an instant- the soul find itself again and holds its identity). From then on I will attain to the rest of the time, of the season, of the eternity, in silence».
The result -in the wrath scenario- can be the degradation of the soul and its return to the darkness’s whereas in the scene of peace, the soul elevates.

From the Thomas apocryphal Gospels:
Thomas 112. Jesus said, "Damn the flesh that depends on the soul. Damn the soul that depends on the flesh".

Thomas 87. Jesus said, "How miserable is the body that depends on a body, and how miserable is the soul that depends on these two."

From the Judas apocryphal Gospels:
Judas asks Jesus about that generation and the human generations
Judas said to him, “Rabbi, what type of fruit produces this generation?”
Jesus said, “The souls of each human generation will die. When this people, nevertheless, have completed the time of the kingdom and the spirit leaves them, their bodies will die but their souls will be alive, and they will be elevated.”

In the next paragraphs I try to support this paper in a long work published in Internet, by the Dr Ivan Seperiza Pasquali, that I summarize and complement, in own edition:

With the Torah -Jewish sacred book that constitutes the Old Testament of the Christian Bible- God legated to us an encrypted external text called the “Code of the Bible”, given to Moses, that contains more than 20 trillions of variables of information which they show the detail of the humanity lifetime, from Moses to the Final Days, being a projection of the future lived in the present, by means of a hologram of several dimensions that surpasses all human understanding and all capacity of our imagination as far as the form in which it was made with love, so that we were noticed on what is coming. The atheist who tried to weaken the method that has allowed knowing the Code of the Bible, have ended up accepting that the Sacred Book is divine and is a nonhuman work.

This Code was tried unfruitful to be deciphered by Isaac Newton (1642-1727). In the XVIII century a wise person called the Genius of Vilna, indicated that everything that was, is and will be until the end of times, is indicated in detailed way in the Torah. Torah is a Hebrew word that means instruction or law. It is used with regard to the Bible in two ways: 1) in the general sense of all Scriptures and divine orders; 2) in the particular sense of first five books of the Bible: the Pentateuch (Greek given name to books received by Moses), Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomious. The discoverer of the Biblical Code when talking about the Torah, talks about the Pentateuch of Moses also called “Book of Moses”; “Book of the Law of Moses” and “Book of the Law of Yahweh given by Moses”.

The interpretation of the “Code of the Bible” has begun to in the last twenty years with the availability of computers means (century XX), by the Israeli mathematician Eliahu Rips, who investigated the Torah and the five Sacred Books received by Moses and managed to create a computer program to decipher the encrypted of the Code. His work was published in 1994 in the prestigious magazine Statistical Science after passing rigorous tests of co-validation; and science had to recognize that the Bible contains a secret code that surpasses the human and scientific capacity of understanding.

The program allowed Rips to eliminate the spaces between the words of the Torah, being concluded that the original Biblical text says very textually to us in the Genesis: WHEN the GODS CREATED the MAN, and not as they show all the Christian “translations” that indicate: “when God created the man”. There are some who conclude that… it is very, but very different in its meaning and importance say, believe and accept by a mistranslation that God created the man, instead of knowing the truth that indicates that the Gods created the man to their image and similarity.

I resort to illustrate this apparent confusion, to the gospel that the Church attributes to John (1,1-5): “In the principle already existed The one that is the Word, and The one that is the Word was with God and was God. In the principle He already was with God. Every thing came to the existence because of him and without him nothing began of whatever exists. He was the life, and the life was the light of men. "The light shines in the darkness’s and the darkness’s did not receive it.” … It is the “plurality” of God here that is interpreted like “Gods”; we reiterated then the Genesis 1,26; God said: “Lets make the man to our image and similarity… “. “Lets do it”; He spoke to “another one” or “others”; but since He spoke to “other” already God was “plural”; in addition it was the “Holy Spirit” in the principle nested in the “Archangels” and the “Angels” that are not, nor were “human”; nevertheless are the agents of the “omni-presence” through the nestling of the “Spirit” that joints the “identity” of the “soul” in each human being.

I also resort to illustrate this explanation, to the “Theological Sum of Saint Thomas of Aquinas”: The Angels have the supreme degree of perfection between all the creatures. The Angels are the noblest effects of the creation, but they have not been created as independent of the other things and with no relation to the other creatures, but they organize to be part of the universe and of the government and service of the human things, that is, those that have body, as much of the inferior ones, as the man, who participates in his spiritual nature and the one of the physical human bodies.

The theological reason cannot demonstrate the revealed truths, but expose them with convenient arguments. For that reason Saint Thomas writes: “For the perfection of the universe certain graduation in the creatures is required to keep approaching the infinite perfection of God, its Creator. There are creatures who only look themselves as God in existence, as stones; others in living as the plants and the animals; others in a imperfectly understanding as the man. It seems then natural that other purely spiritual and perfectly intellective creatures exist, who look themselves like God of the most perfect way than is possible for the creatures to be alike”.

Eons of time ago in a point, by means of a quantum type of jump, emerged myriads of divine sparks. Each one infinitely small and in its individuality equipped with infinite potential attributes to manifest and develop. They gave the jump from the in-manifest in God towards the manifest, emerging initially from the seventh dimension with the purpose of growing when developing its potentialities thought the third, fourth, fifth and sixth dimension (*), and once succeed would infinitely be great and by them self from that point they would return to God.

Thomas 77. Jesus said, "I am the light that is over all things. I am all (THE EVERYTHING): from me all came forth, and to me all attained. Split a piece of wood; I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there."

Thomas 18. The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us, how will our end come?"
Jesus said, "Have you found the beginning, then, that you are looking for the end? You see, the end will be where the beginning is (the ends touch each other). Bless be the one who stands at the beginning: that one will know the end and will not taste death."

(*) I essay my own interpretation: “the Fourth” dimension, is our “intellect” (a connection stage that is activated in the concurrence of the “soul” with the spirit; and developed, by the human being: THE MIND?); “the Fifth” dimension is the “door” where are the intermediaries of “God” (is in this dimension where the Code of the Bible and the Tables would had been given to Moses in Mount Sinai); “the Sixth” dimension, is the transit to “the Seventh” dimension, that is the “final stage”.

You are one of those divine sparks or spirit acting in the physical form (that crosses the “quanta”) by means of a body in “the third” dimension. You are a free and immortal spirit without principle nor end (that comes from “the sixth” dimension and will return crossing the “fifth”, to “the sixth” dimension -where you can remain by long eons of time until it is decided -after the Last Judgment- whether you enter or not the “seventh dimension”. The question -that some people answer affirmatively- is that from “the sixth” dimension you can be entrusted to return to the “third”). The divine spark or spirit gave the form to the soul (that constitutes your “identity”), each soul then concurs with the (holy) spirit, gives the spark of life to the adapted fetus to fulfill its development in the human incarnation.

Saint Paul wrote to Ephesus (2: 19-22)
No longer you are foreign nor newcomer; you are fellow citizens of the saints and you belong to the family of God, because you have been built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets, being Jesus Christ the angular stone.
On Christ, all the building is raised well structured, to form the saint temple in the Lord, and along with him you can also be incorporated to the building, by means of the Holy Spirit, to be home of God.

¿Are these dimensions a way to envision the soul levels of evolution?

Now, if already it is irrefutable that God exists; if as today the testimonies of the power of prayer are irrefutable -demonstrated among other many tests, in recent simultaneous observations in four hospitals of the USA according to publication of Selections Review- if the Bible and the Gospels (in which I would include the apocryphal ones) that -although are doctrine and could have been fitted in the time by those who had the power to do it for good or for bad- they turn out to be, with observations and critics, the only public evidences v.v. narrations that finish being just novels, although they origin may be located in the restlessness of the human intelligence that search to find a truth or the TRUTH, or perhaps to try to destroy it generating doubts by lack of humility to accept the human limitations; if we arrive to the point to confront a thesis with another one, almost with the only sense to weaken the faith and to impose an empty and dehumanized intellectuality. So ¿why do we have to continue searching for what has been already found?.

The mathematical physical exactitude of the universe occurs with the possibility of being a finite space-time, but without border nor edges, which would demonstrate -according to Stephen Hawking- that having a begin could not be a moment for its creation; nevertheless he himself Hawking says: “Science has discovered laws that govern the Universe, that allows to predict how it will evolve in any time. Those laws could have been determined by God, but everything indicates that, later, God has left the Universe governs itself by such laws without his intervention. How chose God the initial state of the Universe? If God determined an incomprehensible initial state for the men, so that it decided to let it evolve with laws that are indeed understandable? (I would respond: for the same reason that gave intelligence, conscience and freedom to the men). All the history of science has consisted of a gradual understanding of which the facts do not happen in arbitrary form, but that reflect an underlying order, that can be divinely inspired or not”.

On the other hand, Hawking sustains: “All scientific theory is a mathematical model that we made to describe our observations. It only exists in our spirit. In that sense, it does not have object to ask itself if ‘the real’ time is more real than ‘the imaginary’ time”.

The Coram says on the matter: “Teach them to conceive to the universe in its original state like an expansion of Light without edges nor limits, to which the Source of the Power transforms into worlds life possessors… When contemplating this process of creation with eyes of true understanding (intellect); ¿how can one not see the manifest Being like a vast demonstration of Love?” (21:0-33) The Coram revelation never speaks of a mechanical model, not even of an organic model of creation. God never must fight against the resistance, or look for the cooperation of some field of inert matter, or some dynamic field of energy (says Sheij Nur al-Anwar al-Jerrahi). God creates of the anything, He simply creates with knowing and wishing, with no effort. The creation which comes from it, appears before us in form of natural processes, it express the wealth and the value, the immense meaning of the Original Divine Reality. “Everything what is the will of the Source of the Being turns Being spontaneously, and contains a deep meaning.” (24:41-45) Genesis 1,26 God said: “Lets make the man to our image and similarity… “

The Creator would not have left any mystery to us, nor we require of an “Interpreter of God” as some pretend to denominate to Stephen Hawking; simply today we do not have still the capacity to understand everything. Since two hundred years ago the possibility of communicating at a distance was unimaginable, or directly watch events through the TV that happen thousands of kilometers away, and only two decades ago we did not have idea of the Internet and its wonders; perhaps when we dominate the Quantum Physics and the speed of light in some hundreds of years, we will find the explanation of the mysteries of the divine conception and the resurrection. And … ¿why not?, of the Ascension.

Sheij Nur to al-Anwar al-Jerrahi says: The creation is one balanced ecology of organic life and spiritual meaning. The human beings have been chosen by Divine decision, to take care of the planetary kingdom of God, which is not outside God, but that constitutes an intimate dimension of his existence. Nevertheless, the humanity can never declare itself owner or exert control on no aspect of the Divine Creation, to which we perceive in limited forms by means of our limited minds and senses. The Coram says: “The Source of Life generates innumerable forms of organic life, each one in precise balance with the others… the human beings are not the proprietors and they do not control these natural treasures either… all manifest Being only belongs to the Source and Destiny of the Being.” (15:16-25)

I reiterate, these are only reflections perhaps in an articulated manner, but in no way they constitute an interpretation for which, we are not prepared.

… Albert Einstein discards the ordered universe of Newton with his novel theory of relativity. “Science limps without the religion. The religion is blind without science”, said later. …
… Einstein also said: There are two ways to live a life: First one is to think that nothing is a miracle. Second one is to think that everything is a miracle. Something I am certain is that God exists.

In view of the mathematical and physical exactitude of the universe and of the wonder of its creation and of the creation of life in all its forms: ¿what is the meaning or importance if Jesus were born in a grotto or a stable; if He was blond or brown, if He had roller or smooth hair, if He had blue eyes or brown eyes; if Joseph -his father according to the Jewish law- had more children; if after be 12 year old He stayed in Galilee, returned to Egypt or went to India? ; ¿what unqualified pretension sustains that Jesus did not die in the Golgotha when tens testified that his blood went exhausted? ; ¿what sense does it make to clear of the schemes of the faith the mystery of the resurrection and what it came later according to the writings, feeding doubts without sense, when it is known and accepted that the one that can do the more, also can also do the less? ; ¿what sense has to deny the evidence of the undeniable when we see every day the wonders of the divine energy of the Holy Spirit?

Before finishing, some additional quotes of the apocryphal gospel or acts that the church should pay more attention and consideration:

Philips 19 (20 in the English version). (20a) ‘Yeshua’ is a secret name, ‘Christ’ is a revealed name. Thus ‘Yeshua’ indeed does not occur in any (other) languages, but rather his name is ‘Yeshua’ as he is generally called. Yet his name ‘Christ’ in Aramaic is ‘Messiah’, and in Greek, but in Ionian is: O CRISTOS; altogether, all of the remainder have (‘the Anointed’) according to the essential language of each one. (20b). The revealed Nazarene is the secret!

Philips 20 (21 in the English version). The Christ has everything within himself -whether human or angel or mystery, and (also) the Father.

Philips 21 (22 in the English version). Those who say that the Lord first died and then arose, are confused. For first he arose and (then) he died. If someone first acquires the resurrection, he will not die; (as) God lives, that one was [not] going to [die].

Philips 120 (128 in the English version). There is the Son of the Man and there is the Grandson of the Man. The Lord is the Son of the Man, and the Grandson of the Man is he who is created thru the Son of the Man. The Son of the Man received from God the ability to create; he (also) has the ability to beget.

The Kingdom (the Heaven):
Thomas 3. Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the (Father's) kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is within you and it is outside you.
When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty."

The Soul:
Thomas 17. Jesus said, "I will give you what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, what no hand has touched, what has not arisen in the human heart."

Thomas 19. Jesus said, "Congratulations to the one who came into being before coming into being …”

Love your fellow as yourself:
Thomas 25. Jesus said, "Love your friends like your own soul, protect them like the pupil of your eye."

Thomas 44. Jesus said, "Whoever blasphemes against the Father will be forgiven, and whoever blasphemes against the Son will be forgiven, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either on earth or in heaven."

The Matter, the Devine and ...
Thomas 100. They showed Jesus a gold coin and said to him, "The Roman emperor's people demand taxes from us."
He said to them, "Give the emperor what belongs to the emperor, give God what belongs to God, and give me what is mine."
(… LOVE)

The Women:
Philips 32 (36 in the English version).There were three Mariams who walked with the Lord at all times: his mother and sister and Magdalene -this one who is called his Companion- ‘Mariam’ thus is his (true) Mother and Sister and Mate.

The Woman left aside …
... of the Savoir? ». Levi answered and said to Peter, «Peter you have always been hot tempered. Now I see you contending against the woman like the adversaries.
But if the Savior made her worthy, who are you indeed to reject her? Surely the Savior knows her very well. That is why He loved her more than us. Rather let us be ashamed and put on the perfect Man, and separate as He commanded us and preach the gospel, not laying down any other rule or other law beyond what the Savior said. And when they heard this they began to go forth to proclaim and to preach the Gospel of Mary.»

Mary Magdalene 10. Peter said to «Mariamne, Sister we know that the Savior loved you more than the rest of woman. Tell us the words of the Savior which you remember which you know, but we do not, nor have we heard them». Mariamne answered and said, «What is hidden from you I will proclaim to you».

Thomas 114. Simon Peter said to them, "Make Mary leave us, for females don't deserve life." Jesus said, "Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males ...”

John 21:20-24 (20) Pedro watched back and saw behind the disciple that Jesus loved (presumably Mary Magdalene, who should be the true author of the gospels of John), the one who in the supper would have inclined on his chest and had asked to him: “Lord: who is the one that goes to give to you” 21 When seeing it, Pedro asked Jesus: “¿and what is going to do this?” 22 Jesus answered to him: “If I want him (her?) state until my return, that does not matters you. You follow me”.
23 For that reason the rumor that ran between the brothers was that that disciple did not go to die. But Jesus did not say that he (she?) was not going to die, but simply “If I want him (her?) to state until my return, that does not matters you”.
24 This is himself, the disciple who gives testimony of these things and that has written them here, and we know that he says the truth.

Note. - As strange as unnecessary it seems the writing of versicle 24; ¿why this explanation of who writes those testimonies? And how is that he ends up saying… we know that he says the truth… Just when finishing these gospels John clarifies that he is the “well loved disciple” of whom speaks throughout its testimonies in “third person”; ¿why he did not speak in first person if he was the one who wrote?. ¿who are those “we” who said to know that John says the truth. This and other analysis of passages of the gospels of John, make think that he would not be the author of such, for that reason is that some analysts attribute them to Mary Magdalene who in effect, would be the “well loved disciple” of Jesus (Thomas 114).
This leaves with no grounds the “decoders” speculation about the possibility that the “well loved disciple” could had been Yuda the supposed son of Jesus whose bones were found in the tomb of Talpiot.

The Search and the Knowledge:
Thomas 2 Jesus said, "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all. [And after they have reigned they will rest.]"

Thomas 94. Jesus [said], "One who seeks will find, and for [one who knocks] it will be opened."

Thomas 102. Jesus said, "Damn the Pharisees! They are like a dog sleeping in the cattle manger: the dog neither eats nor [lets] the cattle eat."

Thomas 110. Jesus said, "Let one who has found the world, and has become wealthy, renounce the world."

Thomas 39. Jesus said, "The Pharisees and the scholars have taken the keys of knowledge and have hidden them. They have not entered nor have they allowed those who want to enter to do so. As for you, be as sly as snakes and as simple as doves."

Philips 110 (116 in the English version). Whoever recognizes the truth is liberated. Yet he who is liberated does not sin, for ‘the sinner is the slave of the sin’. The Mother is the truth while the knowledge is the father. The world calls liberated those to whom it is given not to sin. The knowledge of the truth exalts the hearts of these to whom it is given not to sin. This is what liberates them and exalts them over the whole place. Yet love is inspirational. He however who has been liberated thru knowledge is enslaved by love for these who have not yet been able to sustain being liberated by the knowledge. Yet the knowledge makes them competent, which liberates them.

We finally reiterate:
Jesus Christ - the Son although was a special being- was sent by the Father to live as a “human being”, as a normal man; to pass joys and sadness (He underwent much when Joseph died); to feel and to give peace, as to show indignation and rage (when He threw the merchants out of the temple); to be tempted and to experience successes and failures (i.e. when all their apostles disappeared when He was taken prisoner); to feel fear and weakness; to suffer - in his case in an extreme and very singular way, with stoicism and strength, supporting -in addition to the injustice, the most intense pains. ¿Who can say that He was not human? ; who can say that He was not a man?.

But this, in no way -even considering the Jewish customs, many of which were passed superficially by Jesus- can take us to affirm that He and Mary Magdalene were husband and wife (which on the other hand, from the perspective of a simple reflection -if it is demonstrated otherwise- nothing of bad or observable would have, beyond leaving without its greatest sustenance to the traditional priests celibacy of the Catholic Church, which is a terrestrial issue); less still if He had descendants which -if demonstrated- would not change anything either for the Christianity and/or the Catholic faith. Naturally, to make a more accurate analysis of these issues we would require of philosophical and theological knowledge that are in a more complex level of elaboration than the one of a simple analysis or questioning reflection; and on the other hand we should wait for the DNA analyses results of the complete set of ossuaries found in the supposed “Lost Tomb of Jesus” or “The Tomb of the Jesus Family”

I finally return to Zeitgeist “The Spirit of the Era” …

I think Zeitgeist is an excellent work specially parts 2 and 3; the number 1 is a remarkable effort that lost all its quality with the laughing of the dinosaurian asking: ¿which way to the arc?. It is a pity because it uncovered the intention behind Zeitgeist work part 1.

I will make some remarks about the script , besides the 500 years difference between Horus acting story (3,000 years BC) and the inscription of the story in the wall of the Luxor Temple (3,500 years BC); Joseph the brilliant son of Jacob, had 11 brothers and Jesus 12 disciples; Zeitgeist supports its thesis in a number of coincidences. Nothing would have of extraordinary if the Jesus life followed the cycle of a creation; the whole astrological thesis is an order, a design, the Zodiac design; ¿who designed it?; ¿he devil, and then we are living in a pagan order?; ¿should we pay adoration to the devil?. The switch of the eras are Zeitgeist interpretation based on singular events took from the Bible and other sources … following that line, perhaps thanks to the global warming and the melting of the poles, in year 2150 A.C., Aries will inundate the continents (an estimation more conservative that the one of the International Panel for Climate Change – IPCC of the UNO that is forecasting its apocalyptical vision for the end of this century).
The history of Christ is not a history, it is a story (Zeitgeist ) because once the evidence is weighed, there are very high odds that the figure known as Jesus, did no even exist; and the reality as per Zeitgeist is that Jesus was the Solar Deity of the Gnostics Christian sect, and like all other pagan gods, he is a mythical figure.

The big conclusion of Zeitgeist is not the one just mentioned, the big conclusion of Zeitgeist Part 1, is that Constantine is the greatest intelligence –the greatest mind- of all times that has made the whole occidental world to live in this XXI century invented by him in the IV century and made a plagiarism of the Horus story to invent the Jesus story.

LBV – November 2007

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